I've been a Rosicrucian Student for over 25 years...
(too old to reply)
Michael Drummond
2003-07-28 03:57:16 UTC
Good evening, Fratres and Sorores, ladies & gentlemen:

My wife and I have been members of AMORC for over 25 years. Our
membership in this fine organization has been of great assistance to us
in countless ways.

We were extremely sad about the events following Gary Stewart's
appointment as Imperator of AMORC, and resulting court cases because of
his inability to work in harmony with those in the Order, and certain
other very disturbing happenings. To say that he caused a severe
catastrophe, resulting in much loss of members, and reduction of members
in AMORC Affiliated Bodies, is an understatement. I have no personal
feelings towards him, and wish him and his organizations well. But the
way he betrayed the trust given to him is a fact i cannot ignore.

There are many enemies of AMORC, just as there are enemies of
Freemasonry. I have been a Freemason for many years too. I served as
the Master for our small lodge in Tofield, Alberta, and am currently the
Master for our Northern Light Lodge, AMORC, in Edmonton. It is a great

Our web site for the Rosicrucian Lodge is:
and that of our Masonic Lodge, #46,A.F. & A.M, G.R. Alberta, Canada:

ON the latter one you can read summaries of two fascinating books about
Freemasonry by the late John Robinson:
"Born in Blood": ( http://users.imag.net/~edm.mdrumins/page6.html )
"A Pilgrim's path": ( http://users.imag.net/~edm.mdrumins/page4.html )
where you will learn of many examples, concerning Freemasonry, of
myths, lies, and even a forgery (still promoted by those who know it is
a forgery).

So, in conclusion, I advise all to seek the Greater Light, and to be
careful how you choose your Path. I wish you success and guidance and
wisdom in your search.

With all good wishes for Peace Profound,

Sincerely & fraternally,

Michael Drummond
2003-07-28 04:45:02 UTC
Post by Michael Drummond
But the
way he betrayed the trust given to him is a fact i cannot ignore.
According to his web site , all charges were dropped against him .
If he was guilty of something , kindly explain ?
I heard around the early 90's members of AMORC were bombarded with letters from
members for and against Mr. Gary Stewart .

Walk softly and carry a big stick and people will call you a fag !
Michael Drummond
2003-07-28 14:38:18 UTC
I must go back and study what was received back then - but he was
"chosen" to be the successor of the Imperator Ralph Lewis. He did not
act in a harmonious way. For example, in our Lodge, we have been
discussing a new requirement regarding AMORC funds, with which we were
somewhat concerned. However, when the detailed information was
received, our Board of Trustees realized we had no choice but to follow
the instructions from AMORC.

Gary Stewart did not act in a way to "persuade" those of the Supreme
Grand Lodge to follow his wishes. When, furthermore, he attempted to
move considerable funds "Offshore" - this was "stopped" in the courts -
again, I would need to research what we were informed at that time.
There are "rumors" that there was a lot more going on behind the scenes,
and again I will not elaborate on what I have heard, since I am not sure
of my facts.

Yes - there were many who were "persuaded" by Gary Stewart. But it
seems to me that there was a lot of ignorance about what really
happened. I will say no more at this time.

Best regards,

Post by Terence2
Post by Michael Drummond
But the
way he betrayed the trust given to him is a fact i cannot ignore.
According to his web site , all charges were dropped against him .
If he was guilty of something , kindly explain ?
I heard around the early 90's members of AMORC were bombarded with letters from
members for and against Mr. Gary Stewart .
Walk softly and carry a big stick and people will call you a fag !
2003-07-28 21:31:34 UTC
You have to be a lawyer and see all the court documents to make a wise decision
about that sad event in AMORC history.
Fraternally , terence
2003-07-29 04:07:33 UTC
To call Gary Stewart inharmonious and blame him for the demise of AMORC is
an injustice. The circumstances surrounding AMORC made it inevitable. I
agree that the vivifying spirit that animated AMORC is gone; but this is not
due to Stewart.

It was the result of many years of admitting unworthy and insincere people
to the Order, allowing them to maintain membership as long as they paid
their dues. They served a good purpose and information needed by the general
public to break free of societal impositions and taboos was disseminated
through this large membership. The saturation point was reached perhaps ten
years before RMLs death. Over the years many who wanted to twist AMORC to
their own ends, infiltrated the organization. RML was able to hold them off
although they did make some progress in modifying AMORC, in his later years.

Stewart inherited a large occult organization, with an international
membership and excellent reputation. But he was surrounded by aggressive
ambitious people; some wanted financial gain, some wanted prestige, some
wanted to subvert the teachings into other channels, some for political
purposes, some for humanitarian purposes, some for more sordid goals of
their own. As imperator he became the focal point for all of these forces.
Some were moderately successful in their aims; most were frustrated. This
frustration turned to hate. Naturally they believe GS was being
inharmonious, when they could not manipulate him.

Even those who have no understanding of occult force and what the kabbalists
term the upper worlds, and magnetic chains, can understand this much about
the situation.

As for the "embezzled" money, shipped out of the country, the money in
question was a check countersigned by the Supreme Treasurer; the transfer of
money was approved by the Board. The charge of embezzlement was a ruse;
which is why the insurance company which bonded the officers of AMORC went
after Christian Bernard and not Gary Stewart. They saw through the ruse; the
membership didn't, because Bernard had seized control of AMORC'S facilities.
Stewart had no way to communicate with the membership.

Christian Bernard and the O'Neils hired a law firm so prestigious that GS
could not find a lawyer willing to oppose them. They used legal tricks to
get physical control of the Park and bank accounts. Bernard seized Gary
Stewart's personal property, including books photos etc. and never returned
them. Is this the act of someone being guided by divine inspiration?

Some curious changes in AMORC:

The rosicrucian retreat center in Canada, which makes its money off AMORC
members is privately owned, in part, by Christian Bernard.

The rosicrucian supply bureau was replaced by a book store, owned, in part,
by Christian Bernard.

Bernard appointed a Supreme Treasurer and Supreme Secretary who reside over
two thousand miles from San Jose. This guarantees no interference from the

There was a curious event after the takeover; Grand Master O'Neil, who
helped engineer the takeover, was alone in the Supreme Temple when the San
Jose earthquake struck; the temple went dark and she could not find her way
Post by Michael Drummond
Post by Michael Drummond
We were extremely sad about the events following Gary Stewart's
appointment as Imperator of AMORC, and resulting court cases because of
his inability to work in harmony with those in the Order, and certain
other very disturbing happenings. To say that he caused a severe
catastrophe, resulting in much loss of members, and reduction of members
in AMORC Affiliated Bodies, is an understatement. I have no personal
feelings towards him, and wish him and his organizations well. But the
way he betrayed the trust given to him is a fact i cannot ignore.
Michael Drummond
2003-07-29 13:13:44 UTC
Thank you - yes, there are always causes - no smoke without fire -
karma. I do not know of all the details you have mentioned - I am only
aware of my own small area in Edmonton, our work, our obligations, our
wonderful Rosicrucian friends. I will leave to the Cosmic all that is
beyond my immediate concerns and control. As I said, I wish Gary
Stewart and his organization well.

Frankly I prefer to concentrate on the positive, the ways to help others
find greater light, than go over the past errors, and problems. Prior
to the catastrophe, I too became discouraged because of a decision
affecting me personally after I had become an AMORC seminar instructor.
Because of what happened, and some very "un-Rosicrucian actions", I
left and became a Mason! However, later, I returned, and as Emerson so
wisely likened in his wonderful essay "Compensation": "...like the
wounded oyster, mended its shell with pearl.." - I am now a member of
BOTH orders, with profound benefits.

That is what all need to do, whether in the microcosm of one's small
corner of the world, or in the macrocosm of the World, with its enormous
problems so desperately in need of solutions.

Let's learn the lessons of the past, and use them to construct a
beautiful future.

Wishing everybody light, life, and love,

Post by keranos
To call Gary Stewart inharmonious and blame him for the demise of AMORC is
an injustice. The circumstances surrounding AMORC made it inevitable. I
agree that the vivifying spirit that animated AMORC is gone; but this is not
due to Stewart.
It was the result of many years of admitting unworthy and insincere people
to the Order, allowing them to maintain membership as long as they paid
their dues. They served a good purpose and information needed by the general
public to break free of societal impositions and taboos was disseminated
through this large membership. The saturation point was reached perhaps ten
years before RMLs death. Over the years many who wanted to twist AMORC to
their own ends, infiltrated the organization. RML was able to hold them off
although they did make some progress in modifying AMORC, in his later years.
Stewart inherited a large occult organization, with an international
membership and excellent reputation. But he was surrounded by aggressive
ambitious people; some wanted financial gain, some wanted prestige, some
wanted to subvert the teachings into other channels, some for political
purposes, some for humanitarian purposes, some for more sordid goals of
their own. As imperator he became the focal point for all of these forces.
Some were moderately successful in their aims; most were frustrated. This
frustration turned to hate. Naturally they believe GS was being
inharmonious, when they could not manipulate him.
Even those who have no understanding of occult force and what the kabbalists
term the upper worlds, and magnetic chains, can understand this much about
the situation.
As for the "embezzled" money, shipped out of the country, the money in
question was a check countersigned by the Supreme Treasurer; the transfer of
money was approved by the Board. The charge of embezzlement was a ruse;
which is why the insurance company which bonded the officers of AMORC went
after Christian Bernard and not Gary Stewart. They saw through the ruse; the
membership didn't, because Bernard had seized control of AMORC'S facilities.
Stewart had no way to communicate with the membership.
Christian Bernard and the O'Neils hired a law firm so prestigious that GS
could not find a lawyer willing to oppose them. They used legal tricks to
get physical control of the Park and bank accounts. Bernard seized Gary
Stewart's personal property, including books photos etc. and never returned
them. Is this the act of someone being guided by divine inspiration?
The rosicrucian retreat center in Canada, which makes its money off AMORC
members is privately owned, in part, by Christian Bernard.
The rosicrucian supply bureau was replaced by a book store, owned, in part,
by Christian Bernard.
Bernard appointed a Supreme Treasurer and Supreme Secretary who reside over
two thousand miles from San Jose. This guarantees no interference from the
There was a curious event after the takeover; Grand Master O'Neil, who
helped engineer the takeover, was alone in the Supreme Temple when the San
Jose earthquake struck; the temple went dark and she could not find her way
Post by Michael Drummond
Post by Michael Drummond
We were extremely sad about the events following Gary Stewart's
appointment as Imperator of AMORC, and resulting court cases because of
his inability to work in harmony with those in the Order, and certain
other very disturbing happenings. To say that he caused a severe
catastrophe, resulting in much loss of members, and reduction of members
in AMORC Affiliated Bodies, is an understatement. I have no personal
feelings towards him, and wish him and his organizations well. But the
way he betrayed the trust given to him is a fact i cannot ignore.
Frater Kerouac
2003-08-04 18:29:29 UTC
Post by keranos
To call Gary Stewart inharmonious and blame him for the demise of
AMORC is an injustice. The circumstances surrounding AMORC made it
inevitable. I agree that the vivifying spirit that animated AMORC is
gone; but this is not due to Stewart.
It was the result of many years of admitting unworthy and insincere
people to the Order, allowing them to maintain membership as long as
they paid their dues. They served a good purpose and information
needed by the general public to break free of societal impositions and
taboos was disseminated through this large membership. The saturation
point was reached perhaps ten years before RMLs death. Over the years
many who wanted to twist AMORC to their own ends, infiltrated the
organization. RML was able to hold them off although they did make
some progress in modifying AMORC, in his later years.
Interested in the reference to events prior to the transition of RML.

Would you be able to say any more about this period?

The only thing I ever noticed was that the GMs who served at RC Park tended
to have fairly short tenures.

2003-08-05 13:31:34 UTC
I'm not sure what your interest is; if you want to know about changes in the
monographs, you should confer with Gary Stewart.

AMORC is responsible for liberalizing the spiritual pulse of the country.
Thirty years ago the common thread of Christian preachers was "Believe as I
say and be saved, or be damned to hell.' Now, I've heard televangelists
teaching rosicrucian principles from the pulpit. Reincarnation, vibrations
and other principles can be openly discussed.

As for saturation point, some principles cannot be discussed or even
mentioned without drawing the scorn of the public as well as those who
consider themselves occultly learned.

The changes caused by Lewis in the final years, which created the
envirionment, that enabled the takeover and disolution of AMORC, require
more time, than I have right now.
Post by Frater Kerouac
Post by keranos
To call Gary Stewart inharmonious and blame him for the demise of
AMORC is an injustice. The circumstances surrounding AMORC made it
inevitable. I agree that the vivifying spirit that animated AMORC is
gone; but this is not due to Stewart.
It was the result of many years of admitting unworthy and insincere
people to the Order, allowing them to maintain membership as long as
they paid their dues. They served a good purpose and information
needed by the general public to break free of societal impositions and
taboos was disseminated through this large membership. The saturation
point was reached perhaps ten years before RMLs death. Over the years
many who wanted to twist AMORC to their own ends, infiltrated the
organization. RML was able to hold them off although they did make
some progress in modifying AMORC, in his later years.
Interested in the reference to events prior to the transition of RML.
Would you be able to say any more about this period?
The only thing I ever noticed was that the GMs who served at RC Park tended
to have fairly short tenures.
Salaries were low; Lewis may have believed this ensured dedicated people.
Employees had trouble making ends meet. The rapid turnover in Grand Masters
(to my memory) started with Daniels. Under Stewart there were several
C Bernard appointed Knutsen, whose AMORC monographs had been on hold for
many years. This made her a curious choice for Grand Master. But she held
the post for several years.

Frater Kerouac
2003-08-05 18:03:15 UTC
Post by keranos
I'm not sure what your interest is; if you want to know about changes
in the monographs, you should confer with Gary Stewart.
primarily the history of the Park, staffing and relationships with ABs.

I was fascinated by the looks on the faces of the SGL Board in their first
photo after Stewart became Imperator. It was in the Digest.

Wondering if there was ever a published photo of GLS being initiated as
Imperator? or as a GM?
Post by keranos
AMORC is responsible for liberalizing the spiritual pulse of the
country. Thirty years ago the common thread of Christian preachers was
"Believe as I say and be saved, or be damned to hell.' Now, I've heard
televangelists teaching rosicrucian principles from the pulpit.
Reincarnation, vibrations and other principles can be openly
As for saturation point, some principles cannot be discussed or even
mentioned without drawing the scorn of the public as well as those who
consider themselves occultly learned.
The changes caused by Lewis in the final years, which created the
envirionment, that enabled the takeover and disolution of AMORC,
require more time, than I have right now.
Post by Frater Kerouac
Post by keranos
To call Gary Stewart inharmonious and blame him for the demise of
AMORC is an injustice. The circumstances surrounding AMORC made it
inevitable. I agree that the vivifying spirit that animated AMORC
is gone; but this is not due to Stewart.
It was the result of many years of admitting unworthy and insincere
people to the Order, allowing them to maintain membership as long
as they paid their dues. They served a good purpose and information
needed by the general public to break free of societal impositions
and taboos was disseminated through this large membership. The
saturation point was reached perhaps ten years before RMLs death.
Over the years many who wanted to twist AMORC to their own ends,
infiltrated the organization. RML was able to hold them off
although they did make some progress in modifying AMORC, in his later years.
The bottom line is people were hired at Rosicrucian Park. Someone hired

Either people were bad judges or character, or they knew what they were
getting, or a bit of both.

I expect RML knew what was going on.
Post by keranos
Post by Frater Kerouac
Interested in the reference to events prior to the transition of RML.
Would you be able to say any more about this period?
The only thing I ever noticed was that the GMs who served at RC Park
Post by Frater Kerouac
to have fairly short tenures.
Salaries were low; Lewis may have believed this ensured dedicated
people. Employees had trouble making ends meet. The rapid turnover in
Grand Masters (to my memory) started with Daniels. Under Stewart there
were several changes.
C Bernard appointed Knutsen, whose AMORC monographs had been on hold
for many years. This made her a curious choice for Grand Master. But
she held the post for several years.
Thanks for your comments, they are interesting.

If you ever have the chance to put your thoughts to paper it would be an
act of service.

Virtually all of the discussion about the events after RML's transition
relate to Stewart and Bernard and supporting actors and actresses.

But there had to have been roots to the controversy. Anything that would
help understand the orgins, perhaps going back decades, would be

2003-08-05 19:32:25 UTC
Post by Frater Kerouac
primarily the history of the Park, staffing and relationships with ABs.
The bottom line is people were hired at Rosicrucian Park. Someone hired
Either people were bad judges or character, or they knew what they were
getting, or a bit of both.
I expect RML knew what was going on.
You've discovered the root of the problem.
The affiliated bodies were the active dynamic part of the Order. There were
good loyal students who were home sanctum members, but they had little
effect because of their inactivity.
RML attempted to find better people to carry the torch. Some of those who
were promoted up to high levels were never intended to hold the positions
they reached. (Few lasted very long either)RML felt the need to find people
who could speak intelligently in front of groups, so he instructed GCs and
RMs to encourage members to write their own lectures and deliver them at ABs
and conclaves. They also appointed approved speakers who would make money
from giving lectures.
He decided to increase the number of RMs to have one for each AB.
He hoped to discover the unknown Brothers among the membership this way;
instead he set off a wave of competition and antagonism among people who saw
a ticket to prestige and popularity. The RMs and GCs realized they could
enhance their own positions by offering speaking positions and slots on the
IRC to members; they could also block those they didn't like, by refusing to
give approval for lectures on rosicrucian subjects.

If there's an interest, I'll write more when I get the time.

Frater Kerouac
2003-08-06 05:33:06 UTC
Post by keranos
Post by Frater Kerouac
primarily the history of the Park, staffing and relationships with ABs.
The bottom line is people were hired at Rosicrucian Park. Someone
hired them.
Either people were bad judges or character, or they knew what they
were getting, or a bit of both.
I expect RML knew what was going on.
You've discovered the root of the problem.
The affiliated bodies were the active dynamic part of the Order. There
were good loyal students who were home sanctum members, but they had
little effect because of their inactivity.
RML attempted to find better people to carry the torch. Some of those
who were promoted up to high levels were never intended to hold the
positions they reached. (Few lasted very long either)RML felt the need
to find people who could speak intelligently in front of groups, so he
instructed GCs and RMs to encourage members to write their own
lectures and deliver them at ABs and conclaves. They also appointed
approved speakers who would make money from giving lectures.
He decided to increase the number of RMs to have one for each AB.
He hoped to discover the unknown Brothers among the membership this
way; instead he set off a wave of competition and antagonism among
people who saw a ticket to prestige and popularity. The RMs and GCs
realized they could enhance their own positions by offering speaking
positions and slots on the IRC to members; they could also block those
they didn't like, by refusing to give approval for lectures on
rosicrucian subjects.
If there's an interest, I'll write more when I get the time.
This is very intersting - exactly the sort of administrative detail that
might help others to understand the events of 89-90 better. The
personalities of this drama I took to be just representatives of tendencies
or schools of thought within the organisation rather than individuals who
attracted supporters or detractors because of who they were.

Would it be simplistic to say that people were brought in to work for the
Order because of their outer qualities or talents?

An AB I was involved in in the mid 90's like many others was struggling to
keep up Chapter status. This AB's peak in membership had been about 1977,
when it was normal for 40-50-60 people to attend convocation.

Wonder if the drop off of AB affiliation from when - say about 1980 on? -
is generally true across North America - or the world.
2003-08-06 12:38:36 UTC
Post by Frater Kerouac
This is very intersting - exactly the sort of administrative detail that
might help others to understand the events of 89-90 better. The
personalities of this drama I took to be just representatives of tendencies
or schools of thought within the organisation rather than individuals who
attracted supporters or detractors because of who they were.
Would it be simplistic to say that people were brought in to work for the
Order because of their outer qualities or talents?
Dennis Kwiatkowski was hired because of his education in media. But even the
improvement in advertising and propaganda was not enough to increase
membership, showing the saturation point was reached.
It's similar to building a complex molecule; three dissimilar atoms may
group around a fourth atom; others may bond to these, untill you get to the
extremities, where the bonding atoms have no attraction for the original
four atoms, but the attractive power of the extremities is too weak to bring
in more molecules, yet interferes with the attractive power of the center.
(so groups have a lunatic fringe,) Large complex molecules tend to be weak
and easily broken apart.
When the competition for status began and the egotism and malice were
unleashed, the bad drove out the good; the attractive power of the founding
principles was weakened and the attractive power of the egotistical and
self-interested was increased.
This explains the bizarre ideas held by many members and the affiliations
many members had with lunatic fringe occult groups.
The only way to purge the dross was to destroy the current form and start
The alchemical process.

Frater Kerouac
2003-08-06 18:18:36 UTC
Post by Frater Kerouac
Post by Frater Kerouac
This is very intersting - exactly the sort of administrative detail
that might help others to understand the events of 89-90 better. The
personalities of this drama I took to be just representatives of
Post by Frater Kerouac
or schools of thought within the organisation rather than individuals
who attracted supporters or detractors because of who they were.
Would it be simplistic to say that people were brought in to work for
the Order because of their outer qualities or talents?
Dennis Kwiatkowski was hired because of his education in media. But
even the improvement in advertising and propaganda was not enough to
increase membership, showing the saturation point was reached.
It's similar to building a complex molecule; three dissimilar atoms
may group around a fourth atom; others may bond to these, untill you
get to the extremities, where the bonding atoms have no attraction for
the original four atoms, but the attractive power of the extremities
is too weak to bring in more molecules, yet interferes with the
attractive power of the center. (so groups have a lunatic fringe,)
Large complex molecules tend to be weak and easily broken apart.
When the competition for status began and the egotism and malice were
unleashed, the bad drove out the good; the attractive power of the
founding principles was weakened and the attractive power of the
egotistical and self-interested was increased.
This explains the bizarre ideas held by many members and the
affiliations many members had with lunatic fringe occult groups.
The only way to purge the dross was to destroy the current form and
start over.
The alchemical process.
a good analogy. it seems to speak more to physics than alchemy.

Dennis is still there, no?

Recall in the legendary description of HSL in Toulouse, there was a very
old French Frater amongst the last of what had once been thriving. but no
explanation of how why it ceased to thrive.

suggests the 108 year cycle.

also that the participants in the 1989/90 story may not have been conscious
of the larger drama in which they were taking part.
2003-08-12 00:31:55 UTC

On Wed, 06 Aug 2003 12:38:36 GMT, "keranos" <keranos~@flash.net>

Post by keranos
Post by Frater Kerouac
Would it be simplistic to say that people were brought in to work for the
Order because of their outer qualities or talents?
Dennis Kwiatkowski was hired because of his education in media.
I don't know what Kwiatkowski's educational background was, but he was
hired as Stewart's replacement on a public lecture circuit and never,
to my knowledge, worked in the media field for AMORC. Kwiatowski left
employment in Cleveland as a stock clerk in a drugstore to gain
employment at AMORC. Prior to being a stock clerk, he worked as a
parking attendant. I found him to be rather *interesting* from a
meeting I attended when he was doing the travelling lecturer routine
and then again later after he became Grand Master so I looked into his
background a bit as I did with a number of AMORC's officers. Anyway,
he was one of those folks who could stand around looking busy but
could never get anything accomplished so I don't really think he was
much of an asset to AMORC. But, that's just my opinion.

Post by keranos
2003-08-12 01:45:01 UTC
I also met him on the lecture circuit; I vaguely remember him saying he
received a college degree in media studies. It's been many years so I could
be wrong.
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by keranos
Post by Frater Kerouac
Would it be simplistic to say that people were brought in to work for the
Order because of their outer qualities or talents?
Dennis Kwiatkowski was hired because of his education in media.
I don't know what Kwiatkowski's educational background was, but he was
hired as Stewart's replacement on a public lecture circuit and never,
to my knowledge, worked in the media field for AMORC. Kwiatowski left
employment in Cleveland as a stock clerk in a drugstore to gain
employment at AMORC. Prior to being a stock clerk, he worked as a
parking attendant. I found him to be rather *interesting* from a
meeting I attended when he was doing the travelling lecturer routine
and then again later after he became Grand Master so I looked into his
background a bit as I did with a number of AMORC's officers. Anyway,
he was one of those folks who could stand around looking busy but
could never get anything accomplished so I don't really think he was
much of an asset to AMORC. But, that's just my opinion.
Post by keranos
Allan Parkinson
2003-07-31 00:51:53 UTC
Post by Michael Drummond
My wife and I have been members of AMORC for over 25 years. Our
membership in this fine organization has been of great assistance to us
in countless ways. I have been a Freemason for many years too.
An officer of Freemasonry's United Grand Lodge England informed me that I
would have to give up membership of AMORC if I wanted to become a Freemason.
I thought at the time he was trying to 'test' me as he was being generally
as disagreeable as was possible!

When I questioned him over his actions he said "I don't tell lies YOUNG man"
and almost chased me out of the building!
Michael Drummond
2003-08-02 00:00:30 UTC
It seems to me that this man was either ignorant or arrogant or both!
Reading John Robinson's books (referred to in my previous email)- this
man is almost saying that Freemasons do not believe in "freedom of
religion" (not that AMORC is a religion - it is not) but he is
definitely not, IMHO, displaying characteristics of a good Mason!
Post by Allan Parkinson
Post by Michael Drummond
My wife and I have been members of AMORC for over 25 years. Our
membership in this fine organization has been of great assistance to us
in countless ways. I have been a Freemason for many years too.
An officer of Freemasonry's United Grand Lodge England informed me that I
would have to give up membership of AMORC if I wanted to become a Freemason.
I thought at the time he was trying to 'test' me as he was being generally
as disagreeable as was possible!
When I questioned him over his actions he said "I don't tell lies YOUNG man"
and almost chased me out of the building!
2003-08-03 12:05:34 UTC
Mr. Allan Parkison is a frequent contributer to ALT.FREEMASONRY , but is not a
I had my own bad experiences with a couple of masons .
One was a fucking alcoholic ,who use to come to my restaurant to drink only.
One day ,while he's was under the influence ,I noticed his ring and i showed
mine Rosicrucian Ring .I have a slight accent because of my
parent's European background. He accused me of being a german and a nazi ( Two
of my uncles were in the Red Army during WWII fighting
the Nazis , while the second uncle starved in a nazi cocentration camp ).
He proceeded shout the worst obscene words at me .I was a student of Goju
Karate at that time ,and could have easily smah hisnose with one blow
I decided not to hit the old gizzard. He told that garbage like me killed
his friend durig WWII , I denied being a german ,but it didnt't
stop this mason's antics .He was thrown out of the restaurant ,
and barred until he agrees to control himself .
Allan , I was expecting 100 % perfection from masons ,R+C
members , Catholic priests, etc , but i've not not foud it .
I beieve most people are basically good .FIND A DIFFERENT lodge , and I'll
guarantee that your affiliation with AMORC will be looked positively .

2018-08-22 21:59:08 UTC
Post by Michael Drummond
My wife and I have been members of AMORC for over 25 years. Our
membership in this fine organization has been of great assistance to us
in countless ways.
We were extremely sad about the events following Gary Stewart's
appointment as Imperator of AMORC, and resulting court cases because of
his inability to work in harmony with those in the Order, and certain
other very disturbing happenings. To say that he caused a severe
catastrophe, resulting in much loss of members, and reduction of members
in AMORC Affiliated Bodies, is an understatement. I have no personal
feelings towards him, and wish him and his organizations well. But the
way he betrayed the trust given to him is a fact i cannot ignore.
There are many enemies of AMORC, just as there are enemies of
Freemasonry. I have been a Freemason for many years too. I served as
the Master for our small lodge in Tofield, Alberta, and am currently the
Master for our Northern Light Lodge, AMORC, in Edmonton. It is a great
ON the latter one you can read summaries of two fascinating books about
"Born in Blood": ( http://users.imag.net/~edm.mdrumins/page6.html )
"A Pilgrim's path": ( http://users.imag.net/~edm.mdrumins/page4.html )
where you will learn of many examples, concerning Freemasonry, of
myths, lies, and even a forgery (still promoted by those who know it is
a forgery).
So, in conclusion, I advise all to seek the Greater Light, and to be
careful how you choose your Path. I wish you success and guidance and
wisdom in your search.
With all good wishes for Peace Profound,
Sincerely & fraternally,
Michael Drummond
totally resonating with your words mr drummond in relation to focusing on the positive....and as we all know there are always a few people who use any group or organisation for their own benefit, yet these few are the ones who often tarnish good intention of the group or organisation and then others go on to lay blame at a group or organisations feet....i have seen 'bad seeds' so to speak pop up in all areas of life....people with ill intention are found everywhere, we have corrupt doctors and nurses, corrupt politicians, teachers, policemen and women...the list is endless at how many people go against the universal flow of things ...and as we often see these few people as part of bigger groups and organisations, we are quick to assume that the group and organisation is corrupt or that the group or organisation have ill intention towards others when this is not the case....we still have a national health system here in the uk regardless of those who work in this area that remain corrupt and we still have a police force and a government regardless of the few that cause problems for others...we must rise above the negativity and false or misguided perceptions that some have and we must not stop our positive thinking and goods intentions simply because of a few trouble makers....we dont close all the schools down because of a few bullies do we or those who cheat in exams....we are all in this together and being drawn to rosicrucianism and waking up to divine knowledge is in my eyes the way forward....to think only of the negative aspects of a group or organisation such as AMORC would be quite foolish and i look forward to seeing more of your posts :)
2018-08-24 12:00:43 UTC
Alas, people here in Europe, continue to allow themselves to be indoctrinated by the anti-Lewis (AMORC/CR+C) lineage mentality that is still prevalent within a number of groups, blogs and forums etc.