Michael Drummond
2003-07-28 03:57:16 UTC
Good evening, Fratres and Sorores, ladies & gentlemen:
My wife and I have been members of AMORC for over 25 years. Our
membership in this fine organization has been of great assistance to us
in countless ways.
We were extremely sad about the events following Gary Stewart's
appointment as Imperator of AMORC, and resulting court cases because of
his inability to work in harmony with those in the Order, and certain
other very disturbing happenings. To say that he caused a severe
catastrophe, resulting in much loss of members, and reduction of members
in AMORC Affiliated Bodies, is an understatement. I have no personal
feelings towards him, and wish him and his organizations well. But the
way he betrayed the trust given to him is a fact i cannot ignore.
There are many enemies of AMORC, just as there are enemies of
Freemasonry. I have been a Freemason for many years too. I served as
the Master for our small lodge in Tofield, Alberta, and am currently the
Master for our Northern Light Lodge, AMORC, in Edmonton. It is a great
Our web site for the Rosicrucian Lodge is:
and that of our Masonic Lodge, #46,A.F. & A.M, G.R. Alberta, Canada:
ON the latter one you can read summaries of two fascinating books about
Freemasonry by the late John Robinson:
"Born in Blood": ( http://users.imag.net/~edm.mdrumins/page6.html )
"A Pilgrim's path": ( http://users.imag.net/~edm.mdrumins/page4.html )
where you will learn of many examples, concerning Freemasonry, of
myths, lies, and even a forgery (still promoted by those who know it is
a forgery).
So, in conclusion, I advise all to seek the Greater Light, and to be
careful how you choose your Path. I wish you success and guidance and
wisdom in your search.
With all good wishes for Peace Profound,
Sincerely & fraternally,
Michael Drummond
My wife and I have been members of AMORC for over 25 years. Our
membership in this fine organization has been of great assistance to us
in countless ways.
We were extremely sad about the events following Gary Stewart's
appointment as Imperator of AMORC, and resulting court cases because of
his inability to work in harmony with those in the Order, and certain
other very disturbing happenings. To say that he caused a severe
catastrophe, resulting in much loss of members, and reduction of members
in AMORC Affiliated Bodies, is an understatement. I have no personal
feelings towards him, and wish him and his organizations well. But the
way he betrayed the trust given to him is a fact i cannot ignore.
There are many enemies of AMORC, just as there are enemies of
Freemasonry. I have been a Freemason for many years too. I served as
the Master for our small lodge in Tofield, Alberta, and am currently the
Master for our Northern Light Lodge, AMORC, in Edmonton. It is a great
Our web site for the Rosicrucian Lodge is:
and that of our Masonic Lodge, #46,A.F. & A.M, G.R. Alberta, Canada:
ON the latter one you can read summaries of two fascinating books about
Freemasonry by the late John Robinson:
"Born in Blood": ( http://users.imag.net/~edm.mdrumins/page6.html )
"A Pilgrim's path": ( http://users.imag.net/~edm.mdrumins/page4.html )
where you will learn of many examples, concerning Freemasonry, of
myths, lies, and even a forgery (still promoted by those who know it is
a forgery).
So, in conclusion, I advise all to seek the Greater Light, and to be
careful how you choose your Path. I wish you success and guidance and
wisdom in your search.
With all good wishes for Peace Profound,
Sincerely & fraternally,
Michael Drummond